Seeds (View Only)

Seeds (View Only)

229 products
229 products


View a small part of our selection of seeds available in-season. This website does not indicate live availability in-store. Please call (780) 467-7557 for current availability.

*Please note: ALL seed sold at garden centres in Canada is non-GMO. Pricing may vary in-store.
Cauliflower Seeds - Violetto di Sicilia
Celeriac Seeds - Brilliant
Celery Seeds - Utah
Chamomile Seeds
Cherry Tomato Seeds - Black Cherry
Cherry Tomato Seeds - Tumbler
Chives Seeds (Fothergill's)
Chives Seeds (McKenzie)
Cilantro Seeds
Cilantro Seeds - Santo Long Standing
Cilantro Seeds - Santo Monogerm
Corn Seeds - Bodacious (SE)
Corn Seeds - Canadian Early Supersweet Hybrid (SH2)
Corn Seeds - Golden Jubilee
Corn Seeds - Honey & Cream
Corn Seeds - Honey & Cream Bicolour
Cucumber Seed Tape - National Pickling
Cucumber Seeds - Biet Alpha F1
Cucumber Seeds - Corentine Hybrid
Cucumber Seeds - Earliest Mincu
Cucumber Seeds - English Long Telegraph
Cucumber Seeds - Homemade Pickles
Cucumber Seeds - Marketmore 76
Cucumber Seeds - Morden Early
Dill Seeds
Dill Seeds
Flower Seeds - Old Fashioned Mix
Jiffy Cat Grass Greenhouse
Kale Seeds - Curly Scarlet
Kale Seeds - Ethiopian Kale
Kale Seeds - Kale Storm
Kale Seeds - Winterbor
Kids' Carrot Seeds - Little Finger
Kids' Cosmos Seeds - Candy Stripe
Kids' Pea Seeds - Knight
Kids' Pumpkin Seeds - Pumpkin Heads
Kids' Pumpkin Seeds - Spookie
Kids' Sunflower Seeds - Munchkin
Kids' Sunflower Seeds - Ray of Sunshine
Lettuce Seed Tape - Romaine

Seeding Advice

Click here for instructions on starting seeds indoors.

Click here for indoor seeding dates for annuals and perennials on the Prairies.

Click here for seeding dates for vegetables.

Digital Moisture Meter
Humidity Dome with Vent, 1020
Jiffy Greenhouse 72
Jiffy Peat Pellets (Bulk)
Jiffy Pots
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