Sun Perennials (View Only)

Sun Perennials (View Only)

721 products
721 products
These perennials are ideal for locations that receive at least 6 hours of direct sun, especially afternoon sun (west or south exposure).

This catalogue is for informational purposes only; we do not sell plants online. Greenland™ carries over 2000 varieties of perennials, not all of which are listed here. Click here to view our complete perennial listing for 2024. 
This website does not indicate live availability in-store.

*Please note: plants will appear differently than pictured. Photos are for reference only.*
Monarda 'Pardon My Purple' (beebalm), entire plant in bloom.
Beebalm 'Pardon My Purple'
Monarda 'Rockin' Raspberry' (beebalm), close-up of flowers.
Beebalm 'Rockin' Raspberry'
Campanula glomerata 'Angel Bells' (clustered bellflower), close-up of flowers.
Bellflower 'Angel Bells'
Campanula 'Birch Hybrid' (bellflower), entire plant in bloom.
Bellflower 'Birch Hybrid'
Campanula carpatica 'Blue Uniform' (Carpathian bellflower), close-up of flowers.
Bellflower 'Blue Uniform'
Bellflower 'Cariboo Blue'
Campanula Cariboo Blue Forte (bellflower), close-up of flower.
Bellflower 'Cariboo Forte Blue'
Campanula glomerata 'Church Bells' (clustered bellflower), mass of flowers.
Bellflower 'Church Bells'
Campanula garganica 'Dickson's Gold' (bellflower), close-up of flowers and foliage.
Bellflower 'Dickson's Gold'
Campanula carpatica Pearl Deep Blue (Carpathian bellflower), entire plant in bloom.
Bellflower 'Pearl Deep Blue'
Campanula carpatica 'Rapido Blue' (Carpathian bellflower), close-up of flowers.
Bellflower 'Rapido Blue'
Campanula carpatica 'Rapido White' (Carpathian bellflower), close-up of flowers.
Bellflower 'Rapido White'
Campanula carpatica 'Uniform White' (Carpathian bellflower), close-up of flowers.
Bellflower 'White Uniform'
Bellflower, Alpine
Campanula persicifolia var. planiflora (dwarf peachleaf bellflower), two plants in bloom with blue and white flowers.
Bellflower, Dwarf Peachleaf
Campanula incurva (incurved bellflower), entire plant in bloom.
Bellflower, Incurved
Campanula persicifolia 'Takion Blue' (peachleaf bellflower), mass of flowers.
Bellflower, Peachleaf 'Takion Blue'
Campanula persicifolia 'Takion White' (peachleaf bellflower), mass of blooms.
Bellflower, Peachleaf 'Takion White'
Campanula poscharskyana 'Blue Waterfall' (Serbian bellflower), mass of blooms.
Bellflower, Serbian 'Blue Waterfall'
Bellflower, Turkish
Campanula persicifolia 'Alba' (white peachleaf bellflower), close-up of flowers.
Bellflower, White Peachleaf
Bergenia Dragonfly Angel Kiss, mass of flowers and foliage.
Bergenia 'Angel Kiss'
Bergenia 'Baby Doll'
Bergenia 'Bressingham White'
Bergenia 'Flirt', entire plant in bloom.
Bergenia 'Flirt'
Bergenia 'Miss Piggy'
Bergenia DRAGONFLY Sakura, close-up of flowers.
Bergenia 'Sakura'
Bergenia 'Spring Fling'
Bergenia cordifolia 'Winterglut' (heartleaf bergenia), close-up of flowers.
Bergenia 'Winterglut'
Bergenia VINTAGE Rose
Stachys monnieri 'Hummelo' (alpine betony), entire plant in bloom.
Betony 'Hummelo'
Stachys macrantha 'Superba' (big betony), close-up of flowers.
Betony, Big
Andropogon gerardi 'Blackhawks' (big bluestem), entire plant.
Big Bluestem 'Blackhawks'
Lewisia CONSTANT Comment (bitterroot), close-up of flowers.
Bitterroot 'Constant Comment'
Lewisia 'Elise Ruby Red' (bitterroot), entire plant in bloom.
Bitterroot 'Elise Ruby Red'
Lewisia 'Elise Ultraviolet' (bitterroot), entire plant in bloom.
Bitterroot 'Elise Ultraviolet'
Lewisia longipetala 'Little Mango' (bitterroot), entire plant in bloom.
Bitterroot 'Little Mango'
Lewisia longipetala 'Little Plum' (bitterroot), entire plant in bloom.
Bitterroot 'Little Plum'
Lewisia longipetala 'Little Raspberry' (bitterroot), entire plant in bloom.
Bitterroot 'Little Raspberry'
Lewisia tweedyi 'Lovedream' (bitterroot), entire plant in bloom.
Bitterroot 'Lovedream'

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